Speaking: Experts Live Austria January 2021

Hi folks,

I’m really happy to officially announce, that I’m speaking at Experts Live Austria in January 2021. I’m really happy to be a member of that awesome community.

The conference itself is a Virtual event and hosted from Austria. Here you can get more information about that conference (URL).

My part will be to demonstrate the MicrosoftAzure Stack Family in a “15/30/45” min. session. Here are more details about my session.

Level: 200
Length: 45min

Session details (German):
Die Public Cloud, die ZUKUNFT, aber wir sprechen immer von Hybrid. Erfahren Sie, wie die Azure Stack Hybrid Produktpalette von Microsoft aufgebaut ist, mit einem großen Augenmerk auf Azure Stack HCI

If you want to learn more about my session, visit my YouTube channel or the conference video later on.

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