Speaking: Global Azure (Austria) Part2

Hi folks,

I’m really happy to announce officially, that I’m speaking at Global Azure (Austria) in 06. May 2022. I’m really happy to be a member of that awesome community.

The conference itself is an “In-Person/Virtual/Hybrid” event and is hosted in Austria. Here you can get more information about that conference (URL).

My part will be to demonstrate Microsoft Sentinel, implement least privilege in 45 min. session. Here are more details about it.

Level: 300
Length: 45min

Session details (German):
Typically, users who have access to a Microsoft Sentinel workspace also have access to all the workspace data, including security content.
However, you may have some departments who need to access only specific data in your Microsoft Sentinel workspace but shouldn’t have access to the entire Microsoft Sentinel environment.
In that session, I’ll demonstrate the options which are available, starting from the basic RBAC roles, followed by custom RBAC and the Table-level RBAC permission, and finally the resourceID functionality.

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