Speaking: ExpertsLive Germany

Hi folks,

I’m really happy to announce officially, that I’m speaking at ExpertsLive De on the 8th of September I’m really happy to be a member of that awesome community.

The conference itself is an In-Person event and is hosted in Erfurt. Here you can get more information about that conference (URL).

My part will be to demonstrate “Azure VWan the future for your WAN” in 45 min. session. Here are more details about it.

Level: 300
Length: 45min

Session details English:
Head Quarter and Branch Offices, many companies have the same network decision. In that session, you will learn how you can use Azure Virtual Wan to connect. This session is based on theory, combined with real customer use cases, and at the end a live demo to demonstrate the power of Azure Virtual Wan.

If you want to learn more about my session, visit my YouTube channel or the conference video later on.

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